
Translationfiles are located in /web/includes/messages/LANGUAGE/.

add language

To add a new language, add the language code in /web/includes/messages/config.php line 10 (languages) and run the Linux sh script A new folder with two languagefiles app.php and js.php will be created.

translate language

open the files app.php and js.php in the folder you want to translate and write the translation behind the match string. For example:
'Add Team' => '',
'Add Team' => 'Team hinzufügen',
Sometimes there are parameters in {}. For exymple:
'Could not write to "{path}"' => '',
'Could not write to "{path}"' => 'Konnte nicht nach {path} schreiben',
After adding your strings save the file with utf8 charset.

Use in php

\Yii::t('app', 'Login')
to translate the word Login. All php strings wil be written in the file app.php

Use in Javascript

jst("js", 'error')
to translate the word error. All js strings wil be written in the file js.php